My 1st encounter with Alex
In oktober 1999, 4 years and 8 months after I first connected to the net, I
would meet a netfriend IRL (in real life) for the first time. Often I had
wondered how it would be like, when words, unspoken words, nothing more but
characters on a screen, would turn to flesh.
I chatted with Alex frequently on DICS, the Dutch Internet
Chess Server, usually about 4 o'clock in the morning or even later. He lived in
Leuven, Belgium at the time, where he logged in from the university. At 4
o'clock in the morning, indeed. I never understood how this was possible, but it
was in Belgium after all.
The IRL encounter was scheduled at Halloween on
the 31st of October in Ruigoord, a small
village, close to Amsterdam, which consisted of no more than 2 crossing streets.
In 1973 it had to make room for a harbour. The inhabitants had moved out
already, and the whole village had become a ghost town. Then it was squatted, and
it became an refuge
for artists and psychonauts from all over the world.
One of their
most ambitious projects was the
tower of Babel, in which I would meet Alex.
I warned Alex that Ruigoord would be hard
to find, that I would be unrecognizable in my skeleton costume, and incommunicable because
of the acid, but nothing could scare him off.
Halloween night, 1 o'clock.
The acid worked real good, I WAS a skeleton that night! Inside the tower I
slowly walked against the wall, stepped back, walked against the same wall
again, etcetera. Of course no one spoke to me. Then all of a sudden a boy
stepped in front of me. 'Hello, I am
Kasmir Lounge, Amsterdam, the day after
Titia, Werner, Tamara and Alex